Information Quick Links
Our programs educate farmers, homeowners, and other agricultural and horticultural producers on the latest management practices needed to solve problems and improve production and marketing. In addition they help Tennesseans protect and improve the environment, and aide in the use of natural resources.
For more detailed information about these programs provided in your area please contact the County Extension Office.
Livestock Production and Management
Agent works with producers to increase profitability and performance for all types of livestock.
Forage Production and Management
Agent works with farmers to increase production and profitability of forage. Hay samples can also be taken and analyzed for nutrient content.
Plant and Pest Identification and Control
Agent works with homeowners and producers to determine problem pests and identifies appropriate control treatment. Pesticide certification training is offered, as well.
Contact Information

John Goddard
County Director, Ext Agent III
Phone: (865) 458-5613
Please fill out the form below if you have any agriculture related questions. John Goddard will get back to you ASAP.